ࡱ> UYT bjbj 4@__   8L<L/bcccU/W/W/W/W/W/W/$824{/ccccc{//cNU/cU/,.xd]-A//0/q-55(..5.ccccccc{/{/0ccc/cccc5ccccccccc X j: Faculty-Development Grant Application Form Please attach documentation about the project that allows the committee to assess your application (e.g. invitation to speak or confirmation that your presentation has been accepted for inclusion in the program) documentation about your expenses and the filled in Travel Form (if appropriate) Name: Rank: Department: Project Title: The application is for support of expenses incurred in: Please check as appropriate. a) Presentation of Research and Scholarship Presenting a paper, such as conference papers, public lectures, etc.: 100% Chairing a panel, participation in a panel, poster presentations, etc.: 80% Attending a conference: conference fee reimbursed at 100%; travel and lodging reimbursed at 40%. b) Research and Publication Translation (usually 40 %) Access to libraries, museums, databases, etc. Research-related travel reimbursed at 60%. Payment of copyright fees, illustration fees, etc. towards publication Other Project Date: Normally only applications before the event are considered; if this is a retrospective application, please explain the exceptional circumstances justifying its consideration. Would the faculty development grant you apply for be the only funding you receive for this project? If not, please indicate the other sources of funding. Are you representing another institution along with ҵ? If yes, please name the institution. Description of project & reasons why the project should be supported: The committee will assess your application according to these criteria: the scholarly merit of the proposed activity; the value of the proposed activity for the scholarly and professional development of the faculty member; the value to the university of the proposed activity, in terms of its academic visibility and credibility. Signature of applicant: Date: Comments of Department Chair If you, the applicant, are the Chair yourself, another senior faculty member of your department should write these comments. l_l I have discussed make-ups for missed classes if applicable Name of Department Chair (Please print) Signature of Department Chair: Date: Budget The Faculty-Development Committee is keen to support scholarly activities; however, it draws upon a finite sum of money. Your budget should be based on those reasonable expenses which are necessary to complete the scholarly activity. Claims considered unreasonable will be modified or rejected, or you may be asked to re-present your application. If any of the expenses detailed below might appear excessive, please give full justification for their necessity. Please complete one of the following sections. All sums should be given in euros. a) Expenses incurred in the Presentation of Research and Scholarship Travel (detail routes, modes of transport, and costs of each part of your journey, and total travel costs) Accommodation (detail type of accommodation, number of nights, cost per night, total cost): Other expenses (registration fees, etc. Give details): b) Expenses in support of Research and Publication Please give a detailed breakdown of projected expenses: NB. In the case of services provided by independent workers, all bills must include a S.I.R.E.N number (for independent companies), or an U.R.S.A.F.F. number (for Travailleur Independent). The university is not able to accept bills of this kind without these details. Please make any comments on budget items which may be helpful to the committee here: Total amount requested: _______________ euros ORDRE DE MISSION Name of employee/Nom du Salari Department/Service ________ Reason for trip/Motif du dplacement _______ ______ Destination Country/ies/Pays de destination ______ (please give hotel address(es) on the back of this form/Veuillez prciser les addresses des hotels au verso de ce formulaire) Departure Date/Date de Dpart ____ Return date/Date de Retour _____ Estimated cost to ҵ/Estimation du cot pour ҵ _____ Travel paid by/Voyage financ par____________________________________________________ Employee Signature/Signature du Salari ______ Name and Signature of Person authorizing the trip Nom et Signature de la personne qui autorise le voyage _______ FOR HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT USE RESERVEE AU SERVICE DES RESSOURCES HUMAINES Submitted to Human Resources (date) Reu aux Ressources Humaines (date) Received by (Name and Signature) Reu par (Nom et Signature) Social Security notification (date) Notification la Scurit Sociale (date) _____ Supplementary insurance card number Numro de la carte dassurance supplmentaire ____ Issued to employee (date) Dlivre au salari (date) __ Returned by employee (date) Rendue par le salari (date) ___     )+:M  # Q R S T U Z ` b c o p ~   ƽ꥜}ui`WWh=h |CJh6Rh6RCJhvMh |6CJaJh |CJaJh=CJaJh6Rh |5CJaJhih.CJaJh  5CJaJh6Rh.5CJaJhvMh\6CJaJh6R6CJaJhvMh6R6CJaJhvMhvM6CJaJhvMh6R6CJaJh6R5CJaJhih.5CJaJ+: # S T U b c o p   N  3 a  & F8^8gd=h^hgd=gd | gd. & Fgd6Rgd.  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