

Final Reminder: Mandatory MFA Implementation for VPN Access

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Dear Colleagues,

This is a final reminder that the security update to our VPN infrastructure will be implemented tomorrow. Starting May 29, all VPN users must authenticate using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) via the Microsoft Authenticator App or phone call validation. SMS authentication will no longer be supported.

Detailed instructions on how to change your authentication method are attached to this email. You can also find the information in the FAQ section on the following link:

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) | The American University of Paris (aup.edu)

If you are already using the Authenticator App or the phone call validation, you don’t need to take any action. If you are still using the SMS Validation and you haven't updated your authentication method by tomorrow, it will be automatically changed to phone call validation to ensure continued access.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the IT support team at itservicesataup.edu


Thank you for your cooperation.

IT Services