
Community Blog

An ҵ Alumna’s Three Steps to Allyship

By Elizabeth Segre-Lawrence '17

The public discourse surrounding racism and its many manifestations, tragically reignited by the murders of several Black adults and children both in the US and abroad, has led many educational institutions across the globe, including ҵ, to seek out ways to stand in allyship with their Black students and students of color. But, as a student, I was often frustratedas I felt thata diversity in the passportscommunity membersheld was used as an excuse to ignore or not discusswhat was to methe very clear existence of racism on our campus.

For example, in planning the University’s first privilege walk, I remember being told by a non-Black student that I was trying to “stir the pot” by providing a platform for more public conversations of the intersectionalexistence of various prejudices and inequities on campus. The experience was beyond frustrating for several reasons, but was predominantly disheartening as it ignored the fact that two statements can be true at once: ҵ is diverse. It also,however unintentionally,contributes tosystems of racism and white supremacy.

If ҵ’s community is truly committed to diversity and allyship,it needs to be demonstrated through actions, not just words.In the case of ҵ’s current student body, doing the work of dismantling the world’s injustices, including racism, doesn’thaveto start after graduation.Studentscan be an ally in the classroom, in the library and in the AMEX too.

This post is an attempt to provide bite-sized advice on how to begin navigating the terrain of allyship, which can often bea difficult task.

1. Hold Yourself Accountable

Because of ҵ’s internationally diverse student body, there’s a misconception among students that racism does not exist within theUniversity’swalls. Worldly perspectives, though cogent in many ways, do not eliminate the existence of racism, nor do they remove the need to discuss it.Rememberthat in many of the countries that make ҵ so geographically diverse, racism exists abundantly and, often, violently.

If a Black student or student of color calls you out for doing or saying something racist in class, deflecting or getting defensive is not the right response. Your intentions in the situation at handare irrelevant, and your life in international settings (at ҵ or otherwise) does not absolve you from racist behavior. In order to make changes both within and beyond theUniversity, acknowledgement of how you uphold racial inequity is the first andmostimperative step you must take.

2. Take Action

In my time at ҵ, I often found that actions against racism were spearheaded by theUniversity’s Black students and students of color. And while our voices areirreplaceable, it must be said that combating racism should not and cannot rest solely on the shoulders of those who racism most directly harms. White people, with all of the privileges theyactively and inactively glean from racism as a structure of power, must use those privileges to dismantleracist systems. The bare minimum you can do is call out something racist someone says in class ortellyournon-Blackfriend that they cannot say the N-word in their performance of “Gold Digger” during karaoke night atthe AMEX. There is nothing, beyond a lifelong experience with white comfort, preventing you from regularly taking action against racism in theeverydayinstances it pops up in your life. And if you think talking about racism as a White person is uncomfortable, imagine doing so as the only Black person in a room.

3. Advance Your Knowledge

Conversations about race, racism and allyship have been taking place for decades and have been constantly evolving as time has passed. Therefore, to be devoted to allyship and anti-racism means one must be equally devoted to learning more aboutthese subjects. In writing this post, I’ve been given a platform to write about racism and allyship, butI’mfar fromthe only relevant voiceon the topic.There are people far smarter and more qualified than I–like Angela Davis, Toni Morrison, and Mikki Kendall to name a few–who’ve been writing and speaking on these issues formost of their lives.I implore anyone reading this to please read and listen to their bodies of work.