
Students on a theater trip in Iceland.

Rotterdam Film Festival study trip

Saturday, January 30, 2016 - 00:00 to Monday, February 1, 2016 - 00:00

FM1019 Principles of Video Production; FM3063 Making a Documentary
FM3039 Directing the Fiction Film; CM4028 Advanced Video Production
FM3096 Junior Seminar; FM4095 Senior Project;
FM-CL2028 The Art of Screenwriting
(open to other students who have taken film making courses)
Marie Regan
Cost: €425 (includes round-trip train transportation, hotel accommodations w/breakfast, on-site transportation, entrance fees, professor’s trip cost, and VAT)

This study trip introduces film students (and others passionately interested in film) to the Rotterdam Film Festival, one of the most important international film festivals and film markets today. The Rotterdam Film Festival is known for the range of its cinema offerings, from world features to experimental and independent offerings and for the wide array of producers, distributors, programmers and filmmakers who attend. Led by film professor and filmmaker Marie Regan, our group is immersed—seeing films, meeting with industry professionals as a group and participating in a master class, all while enjoying a wonderful world city. Beyond traveling to the famous food hall/market of Rotterdam and seeing a few sights, most of our trip benefits from the networking and exposure of an international film festival. All student participants are expected to attend all group screenings and events.

Last day to register/cancel: January 24
Late cancelation fee: €425
Payment for study trips must be made no later than February 1 for the Spring 2016
semester. Any concerns in this regard should be addressed to the Cultural Program &
Student Accounting Services.