
ҵ graduation ceremony at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris.

Berlin Study Trip

Thursday, February 18, 2016 - 00:00 to Sunday, February 21, 2016 - 00:00

ES-HI3002 Berlin Stories
Daniel Medin
Cost: €645 (includes round-trip air transportation, on-site transportation, entrance fees, guided visits, professor’s trip costs, and VAT)

Immerse yourself in the culture and contemporary flair of Europe’s most dynamic capital in the company of a long-time resident. Students explore traces of the city’s history from the reign of Frederick the Great to the present—with stations in Romantic Berlin, Bismarck’s Berlin, Jewish Berlin, Berlin during the Golden Twenties, Nazi Berlin, and Cold War Berlin along the way. The program includes visits to historic sites, monuments, museums, and galleries; to characteristic cafés and bars; and to lesser-known attractions particular to Berlin, such as the World War II bunker that now houses the contemporary art collection of a private collector.

Last day to register/cancel: January 24
Late cancelation fee: €645
Payment for study trips must be made no later than February 1 for the Spring 2016 semester. Any concerns in this regard should be addressed to the Cultural Program & Student Accounting Services.