The American University of Paris invites you to a film screening of FREE TO ROCK, directed by Jim Brown, on February 1 in C-104.
FREE TO ROCKexplores and examines the Cold War period of 1955 - 1991, and how the soft power of American rock & roll music from the Westsignificantly weakened the Communist governments' ability to control the thoughts and activities of its youth.....and how, after three decadesof dramaticconflicts between the Iron Curtain teenagersand the Kremlin/KGB (and their Eastern Europeanallies), the music and its culture contributed tothe collapse of the totalitarian system behind the Iron Curtain.
FREE TO ROCKhas been accepted for showcase at theFIPA / Festival International de Programmes Audiovisuels, inBiarritz, France, this coming January 25- 29th, 2017.
Please see the movie's website for the film trailer as well as more information at