Students on a theater trip in Iceland.
Image credit/ Michael Vadon
The CERSA (Paris 2) Law & Humanities group and the Center for Critical Democracy Studies (ҵ) invite you to our first conference of 2018, Trump. Year One.
Exactly one year on from the inauguration of President Donald Trump, CERSA and ҵ will convene a conference aimed at analyzing the actions of the Trump Administration to date. The day will center around four themes: (1) Political decisions and the relationship with Congress and the judicial system (2) The impact on the economy (3) International relations (4) Civil society, culture and media. After carefully evaluating its first year in power, our speakers and participants will consider what course the Administration might take in the three years to come.
Free entry but you will have to register for the event in advance.
Introductory remarks - Jennifer MERCHANT, Professor Panthéon-Assas Paris 2, Law&Humanities/CERSA (UMR 7106)
9h15 - 13h00
Moderator, Amy Greene, Assistant Dean for International Affairs, Sciences Po paris
"Donald Trump: Inventing the Chaos Presidency?" - Vincent MICHELOT, Professor, Sciences Po Lyon, Triangle (UMR5206)
"Can the Judiciary Be a Check on the Trump Administration?” - Anne DEYSINE, Professor Université Nanterre
“It's Not Just Trump: ‘Norm Erosion’, Constitutional Hardball, and the Unraveling of Democratic Governance” - Phil HOSTAK, lawyer, specializing in civil rights, labor rights, and constitutional litigation
“The Five Fallacies of Trumponomics” - Jean-Baptiste VELUT, Associate Professor, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle “The Five Fallacies of Trumponomics”
Concluding Remarks - Gary GERSTLE, Professor, University of Cambridge
14h30 - 18h00
Moderator, Yvonne-Marie Rogez, Associate Professor Paris 2
“Trump and the EU: Between Misunderstandings and Deaf Ears” - Yves SUREL, Professor, Co-Director of the CERSA/UMR 7106 Paris 2
“The End of the American Grand Strategy: What it Means for U.S. Allies and Adversaries” - Alexandra DE HOOP SCHEFFER, Director & Senior Fellow, German Marshall Fund
“Trump and ‘Black Lives Matter’ ” - Audrey CELESTINE, Associate Profesor, Sciences po Paris
Concluding remarks “How We Got Trump (and He Us) : A Cultural-Historical Theory of Trump’s Post-Truth Politics” - Jayson HARSIN, Associate Professor, ҵ