ҵ students by the Seine.
"I’m very highly educated. I know words; I have the best words…" (Donald Trump)
'' provides a forum not only for academics but for novelists, poets, artists, film-makers, photographers, and journalists. One might then ask: why “Translating Trump” as the theme of an issue? The very fact that a scholarly journal such as this one is devoting a special issue to the theme of “Translating Trump,” that is to his words, the very fact that not only translators but also academics, journalists, psychologists, poets, and novelists accepted to contribute a sentence, a paragraph, an article, or an interview reflects the sheer bewilderment in which we are living and, consequently, the need to scramble for words in the maelstrom of what Robert Jay Lifton chillingly calls present day America’s “malignant normality”.
The contributors of this issue embarked on the project of this issue to reason (with what sounds as) the unreasonable because: “Everything that can be thought at all can be thought clearly. Everything that can be said can be said clearly” (Wittgenstein).
You are warmly invited to the LAUNCH PARTY to meet the issue's editors and some of the contributors (some being ҵ professors and a student) of . A cocktail will follow.
N.B.: All exterior guests should register and bring an ID.
Please contact Prof. Anne-Marie Picard at apicardaup.edu (subject: Translating%20Trump) for further details.