ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ students by the Seine.
"I always had a taste, which will no doubt seem curious to you, a taste, more or less disguised, for waste and rubbish." This line from the French poet and novelist Raymond Queneau, Les Enfants du limon, sums up the approach and the passion of the artist Jacques Limousin. For more than fifty years, Limousin has developed a taste for rubbish, collecting and then assembling objects, finds and remains in often delightful and surprising ways, giving waste a new life as art.
The seashore has always been Limousin’s favourite hunting ground and he has trawled the beaches of Le Havre, Venice and Île de Ré for flotsam and jetsam, collecting what he found on the surface of the sand. More recently he has extended the scope of his explorations to England and since the 1990s he has explored the banks of the Thames collecting the detritus of London’s past. Flea Markets, streets, fields, and now eBay, are equally good resources for him.
Limousin's exhibition will be on through April 21, 2018.