
ҵ students by the Seine.


Cultural Sharing Night

University Room: PL-3
Friday, April 27, 2018 - 16:45 to 18:30

As part of a project tacklingissues ofmulticulturalism, this event is an opportunity for you to come and share your experiencesadjusting to your new home in Paris, and how you deal with homesickness. These coping tools could be anything from music or comfort foodto more general experiences and places in Paris, whatever makes you feel settled here! We are hosting this event as the semester comes to an end, a busy and sometimes stressful time, so it's a great chance to relax with other students and have an opportunity to meet new friends that aren't necessarily tied to nationality, language, or major.

Please bring any comfort food, music or just your stories to share with others whatreminds you of home.

Food and drink will be available, contact a95013ataup.edu for more information.

About the Democracy Lab

In discussing the “democratic ideal” of education, John Dewey argued that two fundamental traits combine the educational experience and democracy. The aim of education, he argued, is to “generate greater reliance upon the recognition of mutual interests” and “continuous readjustment through meeting new situations.” Building from this observation, the Democracy Lab combines Dewey's insights into education and democracy with recent trends in design-thinking pedagogy. The course focuses on generating opportunities for students to build a mutual interest based on their differences and provide a context for them to deploy this mutual interest toward a solving a specific problem.

To this end, the Democracy Lab will explore a key topic of contemporary democracy each semester. It will aim to provide a hands-on, design-thinking, experimental space where students elaborate a problem and devise a potential a solution around one of the major challenges confronting our contemporary democracies. Such topics may include but are not limited to: global citizenship, democracy with billionnaires, democracy in post-war zones. The course provides a proactive environment where professors help students identify challenges within our current democratic societies and cultivate their skills to define these challenges as problems that may be treated.