
ҵ students by the Seine.

Fall 2018

Karlsruhe & ZKM Center for Art and Media Study Trip

Friday, November 23, 2018 - 09:00 to Sunday, November 25, 2018 - 20:00

AH3068 Contemporary Art In Europe & America

This relatively young institution (30 years old) has already a rich history of groundbreaking exhibitions “ctrl[space] : Rhetorics of Surveillance;”“Iconoclash: Beyond the Image Wars in Science,” “Religion and Art;” “Future Cinema The Cinematic Imaginary after Film;” “Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy” — It is at the forefront of interdisciplinary dialogues between art, new technologies, communication media, politics and social issues, and it offers a rich ongoing exhibition program, including an exhibition titled “Africas in Production.” Complement your discovery of contemporary art with a visit of what can be considered as one of the most innovative and cutting edge “research institute” in this domain.

Led by Prof.

Cost: €390 (includes round-trip train transportation, hotel accommodations w/ breakfast, on-site transportation, entrance fees, guided visits, professors’ trip costs, and VAT)

Last day to register/cancel: September 16
Late cancelation fee: €390

Payment for study trips must be made no later than September 28 for the Fall 2018 semester. Any concerns in this regard should be addressed to the Cultural Program & Student Accounting Services.