
ҵ graduation ceremony at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris.

ҵ to You

ҵ to You: Alumni Welcome Reception

This event will take place via Zoom
Thursday, October 1, 2020 - 18:00

Join ҵ alumni and former studentson Thursday, October 1 as we welcome members of the ҵ class of 2020 to the alumni family.This year has been unconventional in unimaginable ways, and the Class of 2020's final semester was no exception.After finishing their studies under duress, theydeserve the warmest of welcomes.So, log on, grab your cocktail, mocktail, or even morning coffee, and come meet, socialize and network with new and seasoned alumni from your area and across the globe.

The Alumni Welcome Reception will be hosted via Zoomon Thursday, October 1at 18:00CEST.

ҵ Alumni Representatives and Alumni Affairsstaffwilllead the festivities withice-breakergames and Zoom breakout rooms for smaller group conversations. Register aboveto receive Zoom login information one day before the event.

We hope to see as many members of our global community there as Zoom can handle!