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Conversation with Prof. Joseph Heath (University of Toronto) on his book Enlightenment 2.0

Friday, December 11, 2020 - 16:15 to 18:00

Professors Julian Culp and Albert Wu inviteJoseph Heath from the University of Toronto to give a guest lecture in their class “Reason in Dark Times: The Past and Present of the Enlightenment” on Friday, Dec. 11, from 4:20 to 5:55pm. The talk will take place online via zoom and students that are not part of this course will have to register in advance so that they receive the link to the talk. Heath will discuss his book Enlightenment 2.0 – Restoring Sanity to Our Politics, Our Economy, and Our Lives.

Joseph Heathis professor of philosophy at the University of Toronto, where he was formerly the director of theCentre for Ethicsandteaches at the School of Public Policy and Governance. His philosophical work includes papers and books in political philosophy, business ethics, rational choice theory, action theory, and critical theory. Heath ismember of theRoyal Society of Canada andthe recipient of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Fellowship.His bookEnlightenment 2.0won the 2014 Shaughnessy Cohen Prize for Political Writing.

Blurb of the book:

Rational thought cannot prevail in the current social and media environment, where elections are won by appealing to voters' hearts rather than their minds. The rapid-fire pace of modern politics, the hypnotic repetition of daily news items and even the multitude of visual sources of information all make it difficult for the voice of reason to be heard. InEnlightenment 2.0, Joseph Heath outlines a program for a second Enlightenment. The answer, he argues, lies in a new "slow politics." It takes as its point of departure recent psychological and philosophical research that identifies quite clearly the social and environmental preconditions for the exercise of rational thought. It is impossible to restore sanity merely by being sane and trying to speak in a reasonable tone of voice.

Official registration is now closed. If you would like to attend the event, please send an email tojculpataup.edu.


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