
Students on a theater trip in Iceland.

Virtual Events

Convocation Spring 2021

Register to join on Zoom
Thursday, February 18, 2021 - 18:30 to 19:30

In anticipation of our welcoming students, both new and returning, back to ҵ's campus for in-person instruction, ҵ invites the student body,faculty and staffto attend the start of year virtual celebration, Convocation 2021.

This live virtual event will feature remarks from ҵ leadership, faculty and students, and will honor all incoming students. Whether you're a student settling into your apartment, or a faculty or staff member preparing for the semester ahead, we hope you will join us in celebrating this long-awaited moment.


President Celeste Schenck,
Provost WilliamFisher,
Vice President Marc Montheard
Professor Geoff Gilbert
and ҵ students ChrisTurner and SaraJordan

This event will take place on Zoom. Students can register on . Faculty and staff will receive the Zoom link via email.