You can contact the conference organizers
You can contact the conference organizers
CFC 2021
ҵ students by the Seine.
1–2 October 2021, online, facilitated by The American University of Paris
Download the Call for Participationas a .pdf file.
Education holds the potential to reinforce systems and to revolutionize them.
Fashion education has served and fed the current global fashion system.
It has also inspired and driven change in the fashion system.
These three questions lead the second Multilogue on Fashion Education – A Conference on Learning and Teaching Fashion in Theory and Practice. While the first Multilogue 2020 brought us together, created multiple dialogues and initiated some collaboration, this year’s two-day global conference is focused on building and acting together – on the connective, constructive and transformative forces of fashion education.
Over the past thirty years fashion has significantly changed as an idea, professional practice, field and industry. The global fashion system has seen extreme acceleration due to processes of technological permeation, globalization and marketization. Part of this change is its considerable digital reach. As educators and practitioners of fashion we face a vacuum concerning its meaning, as well as closely related, complex social, cultural and environmental questions, especially in times of global health, climate and democracy crises. At the same time, fashion education has expanded substantially. Yet this field remains underanalyzed with few publications and little formalized professional development, connection and discussion. There are growing quantitative and qualitative discrepancies between education, fields of activities and societal relevance and responsibilities.
We believe that fashion education is interdisciplinary, connective and experiential. It can foster creative as well as critical thinking and making, transcending the boundaries of its field. It can challenge and transform economic and political systems, systems of thought, value systems and fashion systems in their interrelatedness.
The Multilogue on Fashion Education 2021 aims to explore the overarching themes and some of the following questions through papers, workshops, project presentations, panel discussions, roundtables, exhibitions and a student think tank:
The Digital Multilogue on Fashion Education 2021:A Conference on Learning and Teaching Fashion in Theory and Practice is a participatory and outcome-oriented space focused on the learning and teaching of fashion at tertiary level. It aimsto explore and illustrate the diversity and complexity of the field and the practices of fashion education.This conference thus seeks to inspire mutual learning, collaborative research and shared action –fashion educations for NOW.'
All submissions will be evaluated in a double-blind review process. A selection of contributions will be published as a book.
We look forward to your contributions!
Timing & screening: