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What is the relation between digital and environmental sustainability? How can data contribute to a more sustainable smart city? The series of audio papers “” focuses on digital and environmental sustainability in the context of the smart city. Each audio paper of the series presents a different aspect of the sustainability theme: media and public space, communities, urban sustainability, the importance of care, while the last three papers deal with research methodology, a crucial aspect of digital sustainability. The audio paper is an innovative medium, based on published scientific papers, that aims at making results more easily available to the academic community. The aim is to stimulate debate and inspire people to get back control over data and their use in city policy, towards a more human-centered smart city.
has been assistant professor at Utrecht University for more than 20 years. Interest in language has always been central in her research: from the study of pronouns and complex predicates in Romance languages, to the application of language technology in e-learning, to a language analysis of social media data. She has published three books, edited several volumes and written more than one hundred papers on these topics. She has been project leader and principal investigator of several European and NWO projects, acquiring external grants for 12 million euros.
The series of audio papers: Mediating sustainable cities, summarizes her most recent research which takes a communication and new media approach to sustainable urban development with focus on the relation between language and space (both physical and digital).
This event is cosponsored by the Center for Critical Democracy Studies and theHuman Rights and Data Science program.
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