
ҵ student taking a photo of the Seine during Orientation.


Alumni World’s Fair Meet Ups: Celebrate Diversity at ҵ

Thursday, January 20, 2022 - 19:00 to 20:00

Inspired by ҵ's annual World’s Fair, alumni are invited to join the "Alumni World's Fair Meet-Up," for a new spin on the much-beloved ҵ tradition.

For the final event of this series, sponsored by the Diversity Subcommittee of the PAAC, alumni will gather for a fascinating discussion on how our identities are informed and impacted by cultural context, norms, and societal expectations by sharing their own diverse experiences within ҵ's alumni and student communities.

Professor Rika Roy will open the discussion by taking you behind the scenes of her classes on Postcolonial and Black thinkers, fantasy and epic, and how today's ҵ students see literature as metaphoric, speculative spaces where they can critique or re-envision inclusion outside existing social structures.

After Professor Roy's opening talk, the floor will be open for group discussions. Topics will include:

  • Exploring how our identities are informed and impacted by cultural context, norms, and societal expectations
  • Micro-stories we tell ourselves and others about who we are and how we imagine fitting in a diverse world
  • Sharing our own diverse experiences within our alumni and student communities
  • How can we start thinking differently about difference and diversity

We hope that you'll join us for this exciting event. Please register below to receive a Zoom link prior to the event. For more information, please contact alumniataup.edu.