
Fashion Talks at ҵ 2022/23: Between Knowledge & Action

“Detecting Greenwashing in Communication: The Case of the Fashion Industry”

University Room: Omid & Gisel Kordestani Rooftop Conference Center (Q-801)
Thursday, February 16, 2023 - 18:30 to 20:00

will introduce their work in responsible communication. The objective of thissessionis also to come back to the fundamentals of the ecological stakes before entering the heart of the matter: the greenwashing. A first part dedicated to theory and definitions will be completed by a practical part with several case studies in the fashion industry(advertising analysis, campaigns on social networks, etc.), the goal being that thissessionbe asinteractiveas possible.

This is part ofthis year'sFashion Talks at ҵԳپٱ:Between Knowledge & Action, on the cognitive dissonance of what we know and value, and how we live – organized by ProfessorRenate Staussand ProfessorSophie Kurkdjian(Fashion Studies,Department of Communication, Media and Culture).

About the Speakers:

Amélie Deloche has a master's degree in management with a specialization in innovation for the ecological transition. Amélie is a consultant in influence and responsible communication. Also a member of the Pour un Réveil Écologique collective for the past 4 years, Amélie is co-founder of theDZ𳦳پ.

Carla Monzali has a master's degree in management with a specialization in consulting and sustainable business model. Carla is a consultant in ecological transition in a consulting firm. Also a member of the Pour un Réveil Écologique collective for 3 years, Carla is co-founder of theDZ𳦳پ.


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