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Philosophy Program

Classical Chinese Philosophy as Philosophy Through Ideograms – A Book Launch with Dr. Yu-Jung Sun

Room: Q-609
6 rue du Colonel Combes
Wednesday, November 22, 2023 - 18:30 to 20:00

Chinese philosophy is commonly perceived by Western readers as either spiritual contemplation or a way of life, hence is linked more to culture than a philosophical tradition. In Introduction à la philosophie chinoise: penser en idéogrammes, Yu-Jung Sun demonstrates that a long-term and collective philosophical construction can be unveiled from Chinese intellectual history when we consider the origins that underlie the differences between Chinese and Western philosophical thought: the use of ideograms.

How does ideographic writing differ from alphabetic writing in constructing meaning? And how does this contrast influence the way we formulate questions and construct statements within our reasoning? This book emphasizes that if we can transcend the difference that resides in the formulation of philosophical questions and reasoning, we will uncover that Chinese philosophers throughout history were, in reality, addressing remarkably similar questions and pursuing comparable inquiries like: What is the fundamental principle of reality? How can we acquire knowledge? How can we live in peace with ourselves and others?
This book is a journey of discovery, commencing with the mythical origin of Chinese philosophy in the Book of Changes, and progressively revealing how various schools of philosophy advance their inquiries, all undertaken in the pursuit of the Tao, the path.

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