
Students on a theater trip in Iceland.

Cultural Programs Spring 2024

Holocaust History and Memory in Poland

Thursday, March 21, 2024 - 08:00 to Sunday, March 24, 2024 - 20:00

Holocaust History and Memory in Poland.jpg
HI3091A The Holocaust: History, Law, Memory
PY3067 Social Memory

This trip investigates the history and memory of Polish Jewish life before and during the Holocaust with a focus on Warsaw and its surroundings, through a case study of the nearby town of Otwock, and the killing center in Treblinka. The trip focuses on various sites of social and public memory, with particular attention to the public display and representation of traumatic historical events within museums, memorials, and monuments. The trip addresses issues of social construction and how the processes of memorialization and “museumification” following mass atrocity create possible sites of restorative justice and collective witnessing. The Shoah serves as the point of reflection on how memory is materialized and put into social practice. How is history told and displayed and to what end? What are the political stakes of Holocaust memory in present day Poland? Why are sites of destruction increasingly popular tourist destinations?

Led by Professors Constance Pâris de Bollardière and Brian Schiff
Trip cost: €740
Includes round-trip transportation to destination, hotel accommodations with breakfast, local visits, professors’ trip costs, and VAT.

Last day to register/cancel: Jan. 21, 2024 • Late cancelation fee: Full cost of trip
Payment for study trips must be made no later than Jan. 21 for the Spring 2024 semester. Any concerns in this regard should be addressed to the Cultural Program Office and Student Accounting Services.