
Students on a theater trip in Iceland.

Fall 2024

Roscoff: Immersion in a Maritime Environment in the English Channel

Friday, October 11, 2024 - 08:00 to Monday, October 14, 2024 - 20:00

Led by Professors Oleg Kobtzeff & Elena Berg

PO3033 Politics of the Environment
SC1099 FB1 Animals in the Antropocene
FM1099 FB1 Animals and Films
PO2031A World Politics
SC1020 Environmental Science
SC1070 The Ocean Environment

Explore the charming coastal life of Brittany by immersing yourself in the atmosphere of three distinct seaports in this Celtic region of France. Discover a unique ecosystem, deeply intertwined with the neighboring cultures of Ireland and Cornwall, and delve into the rich tapestry of its turbulent history. Witness firsthand how these small seaports have evolved into vibrant crossroads of international historic, cultural, economic, and political influences. Gain insight into the intricate dynamics of local politics and how they shape the fabric of life in French provincial communities, each with its own distinct Celtic culture and language.

Trip cost: €510
Includes round-trip transportation to the destination, hotel accommodations with breakfast, local visits, professors’ trip costs, and VAT.

Last day to register/cancel: September 8, 2024 • Late cancelation fee: Full cost of the trip
Payment for study trips must be made no later than September 20 for the Fall 2024 semester. Any concerns in
this regard should be addressed to the Cultural Program Office and Student Accounting Services.