Students on a theater trip in Iceland.
HI3091D Topics: 20th Century European Jewish History
PY3091B Psychology of Conspiracy Theories and Extremism
During this study trip, students will learn about Jewish life before the Holocaust in Warsaw and its surroundings - here through the case study of the nearby town of Otwock. They will learn about the Holocaust in Poland, with a strong focus on the Warsaw ghetto and the killing center of Treblinka. Students will also learn about past and current antisemitism in Poland and how antisemitic conspiracy theories developed before during and after the Holocaust. The trip also focuses on various sites of social and public memory, with particular attention to the public display and representation of traumatic historical events within museums, memorials and monuments. The Shoah will serve as the point of reflection on how memory is materialized and put into social practice.
Trip cost: €760
Includes round-trip transportation to the destination, hotel accommodations with breakfast, a group meal, local visits, professors’ trip costs, and VAT
Last day to register/cancel: January 19, 2025 • Late cancelation fee: Full cost of the trip
Payment for study trips must be made no later than January 31 for the Spring 2025 semester. Any concerns in this regard should be addressed to the Cultural Program Office and Student Accounting Services.