
Student Clubs

Do You Need a Budget for Your Club/Event?


Do you have a club or event which needs funding? The Student Government Association (SGA) has a budget available for student-led projects. To apply for funding, it is important that you first understand how this process works. Students seeking a budget must first meet with the Activities & Clubs Committee, (ACC). The ACC is an SGA-mandated team that oversees student budget requests. They meet twice a week to organize and assess requests for budgets. The ACC office hours are 12:10 to 1:30, Mondays and Thursdays on the third floor of Combes. After the ACC polishes and approves a student’s budget request, the student is free to present the request to the Student Senate. Senate meets period 3 on Wednesdays in Combes 104.

This entire process is laid out in this video below. You can also read more about the budgets in the student life section.