Professor Waddick Doyle led a study trip to London for students in the Global Communications department in order to meet with experts in the fields of public relations, new media, branding and advertising. Students were able to involve themselves in the new changes in the media industry, and network with presenters for future opportunities in the industry. The students were also given time to explore what the city has to offer and immerse themselves in the culture. Sabrina Scholkowski, a graduate student in Global Communications, was present during the trip and shared her experience:
"The London Study Trip was an excellent opportunity for us to visit real life communications/PR/marketing agencies to get an idea of what is done in day-to-day life and take the theory we've been studying one step further. We also got a sense of the different platforms these companies use, such as social media, or traditional PR and advertising media. In most cases it also widened the internship or job research scope and had students considering London as a place for their future career development. We also attended the alumni cocktail party where we had a chance to interact with previous students and get some tips for grad afterlife."
"We visited a branding exhibition (California exhibit at the Design Museum) to see the importance and impact a brand can have, in this case Apple/Google and other Silicon Valley giants, and just how branding works in general. Some students went to a play (Ink) about Robert Murdoch and The Sun. However, more so than just learning, the biggest outtake from this trip was the bonding experience with fellow classmates, as I feel it brought us closer together. The experience let us interact with people we previously hadn't in a more relaxed and fun environment- drink in hand."
ҵ’s faculty-led cultural study trips provide you with the opportunity to connect learning in the classroom to real life environments and career possibilities. For more information, and interest in future study trips, check back regularly to the ҵ events page or click here for an in-depth information page on culture programs.