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Infamous Vie: ҵ Student Organization Sponsors Fashion Debut


American University of Paris Student Arafat Adekunle recently debuted a snippet of his fashion line, Infamous Vie, with a walkway in the ҵ Combes galerie. The show featured half of the pieces in his line and served as a “run-through” for the main event which was off-campus on Friday. The show also featured a variety of ҵ students chosen to model the line. The official debut of Adekunie’s line, featuring a larger group of models, took place in the courtyard gardens of a gracious home in the 5th arrondissement.

Zipporah, a student attending the ҵ Combes show, gave the following account:

“I attended the show during the set up, the show itself, as well as the clean up afterwards. What really impressed me was the professionalism of the entire show. I saw Arafat interacting with the models, and he took the time to really explain his vision to them. At first I wasn’t sure of what to expect in the Amex and the Combes lobby, or how they would really make this into a runway, but I saw his vision come to life once the show started.”

“I really enjoyed the show and hope that there is another one in the future. It would be nice if people took the idea and ran with it, since the ҵ community really prides itself on being at the cusp of fashion. He has started a trend, a conceivable trend, where it shows others they can do the same.”

For more information on the fashion show, visit