From 26 November, applications are invited for The Paris Writer's Residency, sponsored jointly by The American University in Paris (ҵ), the Centre Culturel Irlandais (Irish Arts Centre), and the University of Kent Paris School of Arts and Culture (PSAC).
The appointment is non-stipendiary but accommodation is provided at the Centre Culturel Irlandais in the heart of the Latin Quarter (5è arrondissement). In addition there is an expenses allowance of 1,500€ to cover travel and living costs.
There are three main obligations:
The writer appointed to this position may be a practitioner in poetry, prose or another genre. We are interested in someone who offers interdisciplinary possibilities and who would relish the opportunity to engage with students.
Please submit your application via Interfolio, by following this link (You will need to create an account.) Applicants are asked to submit a letter explaining in no more than 250 words why Paris is an appropriate location for their residency and how they would plan to work with the students. They should also attach a CV and a short sample of current work, not exceeding 3,000 words.
Applications close on 1 January 2020 and the successful candidate will be notified by late January 2020.