
This areasupports projects which encourage faculty and students to develop digital tools, digital literacy skills, and research applied to global civil society.Current projects work on topics such as: digital democracy, digital literacy for democratic education, data justice, participatory design in protest cultures, the ethics of AI, and surveillance & privacy studies.


Affiliated Courses

CS1091CCI – Data Science Thinking: Methods and Context

This project-based course introduces data science by looking at the whole cycle of activities involved in data science projects. Students will learn how to think about problems with rigor and creativity, ethically applying data science skills to address those problems. The course project will address the theoretical, mathematical and computational challenges involved in data science.

PO5091 - Diplomacy of War and Peace

This course will first analyze general theories related to the art of diplomacy, conflict resolution, crisis management, conflict transformation and prevention of war. It will then analyze the nature of intervention strategies and their consequences; negotiation and mediation techniques, as well as other diplomatic instruments to deal with conflict resolution; the institutions and regimes of security and conflict management, such as bilateral and multilateral negotiations, mediation, and Contact Groups, plus the diplomatic issues related to peace and state building. Emphasis will be given on the need for local, regional and international diplomacy to moderate or possibly resolve/ transform conflicts. Students will select post-Cold War case studies to analyze for their success or failure to resolve disputes and conflicts. These can include diplomatic aspects of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, North-South Korea, Russia-Ukraine, US-Israel-Saudi Arabia-Iran, China-Philippines, and conflicts in Yemen and Syria. Other areas of focus can include international diplomacy involving anti-state socio-political conflict, such as the so-called "managed" revolutions in South Africa, Philippines, Northern Ireland and Colombia. Students will read the entire text of Contemporary Conflict Resolution and will select chapters from The Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy (online in library) to discuss in class. The course will conclude with a discussion of World War Trump and the diplomatic dilemmas confronting the Trump administration and beyond. Students will choose one subject involving diplomacy to write a 15-20 page term paper and present an in-class Power Point presentation on their subject of choice.

PO3043 - European Security: NATO, Europe and Russia

Analyzes European security issues in the post-Cold War era. Traces the evolution of NATO, as well as British, French, and German security policy. Focuses on the security issues facing Eastern Europe and the ramifications of NATO enlargement in regard to US, European, and Russian security issues.

PO2031 - World Politics

This course analyses the basic setting, structure and dynamics of world politics with emphasis on current global problems, practices and processes. In doing so, it introduces the major theoretical approaches to international politics, and uses theory as a methodological tool for analyzing sources of change and causes of conflict and/or cooperation in the global arena.

CM1091FB9 - Speaking Out and Logging In: Digital Participation and Public Life

CM5016/PO5016/CM4016 - Global Digital Advocacy & Activism

PO5016/CM5016 Digital Advocacy: Within/ Without Borders

This course analyzes the rhetorical-cultural aspects of global advocacy, such as how to fashion persuasion that speaks to multiple national, ethnic, religious and political audiences about issues of transnational importance and which have the same or similar persuasive goals. Case studies will be used to move back and forth between theory and practice, where studying the practice will inform the theory, and vice-versa. The course will answer important questions for global advocates.

CM4016 Global Advocacy

This course focuses on how transnational actors - governments, citizens, social movements, corporations, NGOs, issue groups, and so forth - communicate to achieve their goals. The course also helps students develop skills in global advocacy, learning the genre of the press release, the organization and transmission of information (or, more accurately, persuasion) on websites, list-servs, grassroots work, and in visual rhetoric (posters, culture-jamming).

PO5016 Digital Advocacy: Within/ Without Borders

CM3091 - Civic Media, Tactical Media

This course addresses the use of communication technologies for mediating public discourse, organizing democratic protests or denouncing state violence. Through a practice and research-based approach to digital media productions, we interrogate the media’s capacity to produce “civic media”, in other words design a space of possibility, “a way of imagining a future.