
European Democratic Theory

Contemporary European Democratic Theory


The aim of the lecture series is to both explore the current state of the start of contemporary European democratic theory and explore its future. Rather than starting from a neat definition of European democratic theory, however, the basic presupposition of this project is that neither the existence nor the central characteristics of European democratic theory can be taken for granted. Instead, the lecture series and edited book interrogate two fundamental questions about European democratic theory: Does Europe and its political theoretical tradition have a specific contribution to make for theorizing democracy in the 21st century? If so, what are the central characteristics of that approach?

FALL 2020

  • READ THE EVENT RECAP - Dec. 9, 17h00 (CET): Laura Valentini (KCL): Who Should Decide? Beyond the Democratic Boundary Problem


  • Feb. 17, 17h00 (CET): Simone Chambers (UC Irvine): The Representative, the People, and the Public Sphere: Rethinking democratic concepts in the face of crisis.
  • Mar. 17, 17h00 (CET): Robin Celikates (FU Berlin): Remaking the Demos ‘From Below’? Critical Theory, Migrant Struggles, and Epistemic Resistance
  • Apr. 14, 17h00 (CET): Sandra Seubert (GU Frankfurt): The Constitution of European Citizenship
  • April 28, 17h00 (CET): Ayelet Shachar (Göttingen/Toronto): The Shifting Border – Legal Cartographies of Migration and Mobility

FALL 2021

  • READ THE EVENT RECAP - Sep. 29, 17h00 (CET): Miriam Ronzoni (Manchester): How Should Transnational Solidarity Be Conceived for Republicans?
  • READ THE EVENT RECAP - Oct. 20, 17h00 (CET): Eva Erman (Stockholm): The Democratic Boundary Problem – A Function-Sensitive View
  • READ THE EVENT RECAP- Nov. 10, 17h00 (CET): Jamila Mascat (Utrecht): Towards a Postcolonial Theory of Justice
  • Dec. 1, 17h00 (CET): Annabelle Lever (Sciences Po): Democracy in Selection


  • REGISTER: Feb. 9, 17h00 (CET): Peter Stone (Trinity College Dublin): Why Open Democracy