
Past Events of the Center for Writers and Translators

Friday, January 26, 2018 - 18:30
Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 18:30

James Montgomery is the Sir Thomas Adams’s Professor of Arabic at the University of Cambridge and the Executive Editor of the prestigious Library of Arabic Literature. He is also the author of Loss Sings, the latest in Cahiers Series run by ҵ’s Center for Writers & Translators. 
This evening, he will read from his cahier and discuss how he came to translate poems written by the sixth-century Arabic poet al-Khansāʾ, whose laments for her dead brothers had always seemed to him to...

Thursday, October 19, 2017 - 18:30

By invitation of the Center for Writers & Translators, Alison Leslie Gold, author of no.12 in the Cahiers Series, will read from and discuss her latest work of creative non-fiction, Found and Lost: Mittens, Miep, and Shovelfuls of Dirt. Best known for Anne Frank Remembered, her memoir of the woman who protected the Frank family during World War II, Alison Gold for the first time has turned her gaze upon herself. Starting with supervision of her primary school’s ‘Lost and Found’ depot,...

Friday, October 14, 2016 - 22:00

Join ҵ academics for a transdisciplinary one-day seminar exploring the topical issue of migration as the movement not only of people, but also of cultures, languages, and forms of “knowledge.” Well-known postcolonial scholars Gaurav Desai and Supriya Nair will jointly present the keynote lecture on textual and personal migrations in Africa and the Caribbean.  

This seminar is part of “The Politics of Translation” lecture series organised by the Center for Writers and Translators (...

Thursday, September 29, 2016 - 18:30

Calling all Beckett enthusiasts!

Join us at 18:30 on 29 September, for a celebratory launch of the fourth and final volume of The Letters of Samuel Beckett! The evening, jointly hosted by the American University of Paris, Ecole Normal Supérieure and the Centre Culturel Irlandais, will comprise readings (at the ENS) and a reception (at the CCI).

This event is now full and the sign-up form is no longer available. if you have any questions, please contact Professor Dan Gunn (...

Tuesday, September 27, 2016 - 18:30

From tweets and Facebook updates to Snapchats and Instagram selfies, our generation is preoccupied with sharing, speaking out and showing off. When we update our social media timelines, or like and share updates of our friends and peers, we are creating narratives, telling stories or contributing to the storytelling efforts of others.

What are the implications of these acutely contemporary forms of narrative and the ways we use them? What are the relationships of these forms to more...

Monday, September 19, 2016 - 19:00

The Center for Writers and Translators is delighted to host an evening with South Korean novelist Han Kang and her translator, Tilted Axis Press founder Deborah Smith. The two were recently awarded the prestigious Man Booker International Prize for The Vegetarian, which the jury described as a "compact, exquisite and disturbing book [that] will linger long in the minds, and maybe the dreams, of its readers". ҵ professor...

Monday, April 18, 2016 - 19:00

Join members of the Man Booker International Prize panel just days after the announcement of the shortlist of the competition that celebrates the best in international fiction. We’re on brand new territory tonight as, for the first time, the £50,000 prize will be awarded for a single work of translated fiction.

The event will feature prize administrator Fiammetta Rocco, chair of judges Boyd Tonkin and judge Daniel Medin, ҵ professor. It will be chaired by Lucie Campos and will be...

Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 18:30

By invitation of the Center for Writers & Translators, Maureen Freely will present her recent cahier, Angry in Piraeus, in which she explores what it was in her childhood that led her to become a translator, a traveller across the spaces that exist between countries, languages, forms. She details how she went from being a novelist to being Orhan Pamuk’s translator; why too it was necessary for her at one point to cease...
