
Internship Spotlight

Maria Atallah

Intern at Vogue Paris

Internshipscan be a great way to get a taste of whatadream jobmight(ormight not) look like a few yearsdown the line.Here,󾱲ٴǰsenior MariaAtallah’22shares her experience as an Editorial Assistant at Vogue Paris,a position that she took on entirely remotelyfor two semesters. Whileit was challenging to adapt to remote work, Maria made the best of her experience andlearneda lot along theway– what wasmost excitingwas seeingher name appear on Vogue articles!

What are your pronouns?


Tell us a little bit about your background?

I am from Lebanon. After graduating high school, I studied Englishliterature for a year at McGill University in Montreal, Canada,before moving to Paris. I started attending ҵ in January 2019.

Which company/organization are you currently interning with?

Vogue Paris.

Where is your internship taking place?

Paris, France.

When is your internship taking place?

It took place during Fall and Springsemesters2021.

What is your job title?

Editorial Assistant

What types of responsibilities and/or tasks do you have in your internship? What's a typical day for you like?

Typically Iwouldattendaneditorial meeting with all the journalists and editors in the morning. Afterwards, Iwouldspend the day translating and editing articles and managing Vogue Paris’English Facebook andTwitterpages.

What are the biggest challenges and successes you’ve experienced during your internship?

It was really challenging to get used to a fully remote workday. As my internship took place during theCovid-19pandemic, I only had the opportunity to visit the office twice, and I’m disappointed I didnotget to havea “real” office experience. However, I still enjoyed my internship tremendously, and seeing my name on Vogue articleswassuch a huge reward!

What language(s) are you speaking/using in your internship?

English and French.

Tells us about your future goals/aspirations. Is this internship relevant? Do you think it will help you along the way? How?

I would love to work in the fashion industry or in the publishing industry, so this internship was a dream come true! It will certainly help me along the way, since I have learned a lot from it,andbecauseVogue is an industry leader.