
ҵ students by the Seine.


World's Fair 2017

First Floor | 6 Rue du Colonel Combes | 75007 Paris
Friday, April 21, 2017 - 18:30 to 21:00

The 2017 World’s Fair at ҵ will be held on Friday, April 21st at 18:30 on the first floor of Combes. The World’s Fair is an international food festival, where students can come and try different foods from all over the globe that other students have cooked. This event is a long running tradition for the school, and what better way to celebrate our diversity than eating food!

Food and drink tickets are distributed at the door and will be available online in advance, with a minimum entrance of 5€. If you are interested in getting involved by cooking food/running a table, or if you have any general questions about the event, please contact Sophomore Class Representative Francesca Coyne at a94241ataup.edu.

Please see the link below to preorder tickets, and you will be able to pick them up upon your arrival to the World’s Fair. Everyone is welcome to participate in this event, however if you are bringing an outside guest, please sign them up below before Thursday, April 20.


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