
ҵ graduation ceremony at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris.


CANCELED - Author Esther Kinsky Presents Her New Novel "Grove"

G–009 | Grenelle Teaching and Mentoring Center | 147, rue de Grenelle, 75007 Paris
Tuesday, March 10, 2020 - 18:30


By invitation of the Center for Writers & Translators and the Goethe-Institut Paris, Esther Kinsky will read from and discuss her novelGrove, winner of the Leipzig Book Prize in 2018 and forthcoming from Fitzcarraldo Editions this spring. A "field novel" in three parts,Groveis a work of bereavement that takes place in several Italian settings. Itspatiently alert sentences affirm Kinsky's reputation as one of the German language's finest stylists.Esther Kinsky grew up by the river Rhine and lived in London for twelve years. She is the author of three volumes of poetry and several novels, includingRiver, whose English translation was acclaimed as "magnificent" (The New Yorker) and "a book to relishfor its precise descriptions of landscape and weather, for its interest in the detritus of other people’s lives that we routinely overlook, and for its international reach as well as its localized intensities" (The Guardian). Shehas translated many notable English-language (John Clare, Henry David Thoreau, Lewis Grassic Gibbon) and Polish-language (Miron Białoszewski, Zygmunt Haupt, Ida Fink, Olga Tokarczuk) authors into German.

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About the Goethe-Institut Paris

362px-Logo_GoetheInstitut_2011_svg.pngLe Goethe-Institut e.V. est l’institut culturel de la République fédérale d’Allemagne actif au niveau mondial. Il promeut la connaissance de la langue allemande à l’étranger et entretient des collaborations culturelles internationales. Il diffuse une image complète de l’Allemagne grâce aux informations sur la vie culturelle, sociale et politique du pays.


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