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Presidential Lecture Series - Virtual Event

The Ethics of Technological Self-Defense with Speaker David Wright (Director of Trilateral Research)

This event takes place on Zoom.
Wednesday, April 20, 2022 - 17:00 to 18:30

The American University of Paris invites you to a talk with David Wright entitled "The Ethics of Technological Self-Defense". This talk is part of the Presidential Lecture Series "Technology and the Human Future" organized by the Office of the President and President Celeste Schenck. Each talk will take place virtually on Zoom.


David Wright is Director of Trilateral Research, a company he founded in 2004. Trilateral provides research, data protection and platform services to a wide range of clients, from law enforcement authorities to universities, museums, hospitals and government agencies. Trilateral has offices in London and Waterford, with more than 100 employees, the majority of whom have post-doctoral experience. Trilateral has partnered in more than 65 EU-funded projects and coordinated several of those, including the ongoing CC-DRIVER project which David coordinates. He has published more than 60 articles in peer-reviewed journals, and co-edited and co-authored several books, including Privacy Impact Assessment (Springer, 2012) and Surveillance in Europe (Routledge, 2015). He coined the term and published the first article on ethical impact assessment. The ISO standard on privacy impact assessment (ISO 29134) was based on his PIA methodology. Similarly, the European Standardisation Committee Workshop Agreement (CEN CWA) on ethical impact assessment is based on his EIA methodology. He has participated in several foresight expert groups, including four ENISA expert groups and a DG Research Trust-at-Risk foresight group. He has developed several scenario construction methodologies, including policy scenarios for the EU-funded SHERPA project as well as “dark scenarios”, a term he coined in the SWAMI project. He is a member of the European Foresight Monitoring Network and a freelance member of the faculty of Law Science Technology & Society (LSTS) Studies at the Vrjie Universiteit Brussels. He currently co-ordinates the EU-funded CC-DRIVER project on the human and technical drivers of cybercrime.

Zoom links will be sent to participants the day before each event.


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