De Castro, Orsola (2021), Loved Clothes Last: How the Joy of Rewearing and Repairing Your Clothes Can Be a Revolutionary Act, London: Penguin Random House.
Dawood, Sarah, How Extinction Rebellion designed “angry but peaceful” protest graphics, Design week, 27th April 2019.
Downing, John D.H. (2018), The Routledge Companion to Media and Activism, London: Routledge.
Fernandes, Solange, Honório, Isabela Dias, Cruchinho, Alexandra and Madeira, Maria José (2020), Fashion Revolution as Promoter of Social Innovation and Sustainability in Fashion. Leather and Footwear Journal 20(1), p. 51-58.
Fletcher, Kate and Tham Mathilda (2019). Earth Logic Fashion Action Research Plan. London: The J J Charitable Trust.
Fletcher, Kate and Tham, Mathilda (2015), Routledge Handbook of Sustainability and Fashion, Abingdon & New York: Routledge.
Farrell, Clare, Green, Alison,Knights, Sam and Skeaping, William (2019), This is not a Drill: An Extinction Rebellion Handbook, London: Penguin.
Hooks, Bell (2001),All about Love: new visions, New York: Harper Books.
Jiyoung Kim, Angellaand Ko, Eunju (2010). “Impacts of luxury fashion brand's social media marketing on customer relationship and purchase intention.” Journal of Global Fashion Marketing. 1-3 (2010), 164-171.
Mazzarella, Francesco, Storey, Helen, and Williams, Dilys (2019), Counter-narratives Towards Sustainability in Fashion – Scoping an Academic Discourse on Fashion Activism Through a Case Study on the Centre for Sustainable Fashion. The Design Journal, p. 821-833
Mensitieri, Giulia. (2020), The Most Beautiful Job in the World. Lifting the Veil on the Fashion Industry, London: Bloomsbury.
Sudha, M. and Sheena, K. Impact of Influencers in Consumer Decision Process: the Fashion Industry, SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 2017, Vol 14, Issue 3, p.14-30.
Slone, Isabelle, The moral quandary of ‘slow fashion’ influencers. The New York Times, 8th February 2022.
Wang, Connie (2018), “Is Wokeness in Fashion Just Another Illusion?” In Granata, Francesca, Fashion Criticism, p.219-222.
Online Resources
General Resources on Sustainable Fashion and Consumption
Books – Articles
Beckert, Sven (2014) Empire of cotton: a global history, New York: Alfred A. Knopf
Brooks, Andrew (2015) Clothing Poverty: the hidden world of fast fashion and second-hand clothes, London: Bloomsbury.
De Castro, Orsola (2021) Loved clothes last: How the joy of rewearing and repairing your clothes can be a revolutionary act, London: Penguin Life.
Henninger, Claudia.E, Brydges, Taylor, Iran, Samira, Vladimirova, Katia (2021), “Collaborative Fashion consumption: A synthesis and Future research agenda”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.319, 15 October 2021,128648.
Hickel, Jason (2020). Less is More: How Degrowth Will Save the World, London: Penguin Random House.
Johnson, Ayana Elizabeth, and Katherine K. Wilkinson (2020), All We Can Save: Truth, courage, and solutions for the Climate Crisis, London: Penguin Random House.
McDonough, William (2008) Cradle to cradle: remaking the Way we make things, New York: Holtzbrinck.
Solnit, Rebecca, and Thelma Young-Lutunatabua (2023), Not Too Late: Changing the Climate Story from Despair to Possibility, Chicago: Haymarket Books.
Strähle, Jochen, Gräff, Chantal (2017), “The role of social media for a sustainable consumption”, Green Fashion Retail, October 2017, p.225-247.
Made in China – Amari, Eleanor – 2016
Patriot act with Hasan Minhaj : the ugly truth of fast fashion – Richard A.Preuss - 2020.
Redress the future (3 episodes) - WaterBear - 2021.
Slay – Rebecca Capelli - 2022
The Breakdown (2 seasons) - Jack Harries - Earthrise and Waterbear – 2021.
Who Made My clothes ? - Fashion Revolution – 2018
– MOMU in Anvers
– Amsterdam
– Venetia La Manna
– Molly Stillman
– Kestrel Jenkins
– Camille Charriere and Monica Ainley
with Audrey Millet - la face sombre de l'industrie textile