
Diane Bonneau

Professor Emerita of Business

  • Department: International Business Administration
  • Complementary Department(s): Economics and Management

Professor Bonneau joined the department of InternationalBusiness Administration on October 1, 2008. She came to TheAmerican University of Paris (ҵ) from Rowan University, in NewJersey, where she was a faculty member for 25 years. During hertenure at Rowan she served as chair of the department ofManagement & MIS, associate dean of the Rohrer College ofBusiness, faculty director for AACSB and ABET Accreditations, andfaculty chair for Assurance of Learning. She has madepresentations regarding accreditation and assessment at AACSBconferences since 2001, and has delivered several pre-conferenceworkshops on the same topics at ACM-related conferences. Sincearriving at ҵ she has served as director of the division ofInternational Business Administration (Oct 2008 - Oct 2010),acting dean of ҵ (Oct 2010 - July 2011),and associate dean for academicadministration (Aug 2011 - August 2012), and chair of theDepartment of International Business Administration (October 2015– present). She now enjoys teachingfull-time in the department. Her articles haveappeared in the Journal of Computer InformationSystems, Journal of ManagementEducation, Computers in Human Behavior, ExpertSystems with Applications, Intelligent Systems inAccounting, Finance andManagement, International Journal of Business and
Economics, Journal of Computing Sciences inColleges, and others.


  • PhD (1993), Temple University (Computer Information Systems)
  • MBA (1983), Drexel University
  • BS (1982), Rowan University (Business/Management Information Systems)