Mona El Khoury
Assistant Professor
- Department: French Studies and Modern Languages

Before joining ҵ in 2024, Professor El Khoury was an Assistant Professor of French Studies at Tufts University.Her research deals with twentieth- and twenty-first-century French and Francophone cultures, literature, and theory (philosophy, psychoanalysis) with special emphasis on North Africa and the Middle East, as well as Metropolitan France. Her publications include her book(published in 2020 by Lexington Books), aon postcolonial ecocriticism (published in 2024 byNouvelles Etudes Francophones), and several articles. She is a contributor of the online magazineK. Jews, Europe, the XXIst century.
In addition to her academic career, Professor El Khoury is trained in clinical psychology.
- Ph.D. in Romance Languages and Literatures. Harvard University, 2016.
- M.A. in Romance Languages and Literatures. Harvard University, 2010.
- Master in Philosophy. Université Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne/ ENS Ulm, 2006.
- Migrations humaines et mutations environnementales. Convergences et divergences du postcolonialisme et de l’écocritique. Co-edited with Dr. Nikhita Obeegadoo. InNouvelles Etudes Francophones,University of Nebraska Press, 2024.
- Remnants of the Franco-Algerian Rupture: Archiving Postcolonial Minorities, Lexington Books, series “After the Empire: The Francophone World and Postcolonial France,” 2020.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- “Lampedusa, ou la nuit de l’Europe.à ce stade de la nuitde Maylis de Kerengal.”French Cultural Studies. Volume 30:1 (2019): 65-79.
- “ Impérialismes alternatifs: Le cosmopolitisme dansKamal Jannde Dominique Eddé.”International Journal of Francophone Studies. Volume 21, Numbers 1&2 (2018): 69-86.
- “To Be or Not To Be ‘Métis:’ Nina Bouraoui’s embodied memory of the colonial fracture.”Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities: “Women Writing Across Cultures: Present, Past, Future,” 22.1 (2017): 123-135.
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
- “Seeking Paths to Existence in Rachid Djaïdani’s filmRengaine.”Maghrebi immigration in French literature and film: Transmediterranean conversations. Ed. Patrick Saveau and Veronique Machelidon. Manchester: Manchester University Press (2018): 77-96.
- “To Be or Not To Be ‘Métis:’ Nina Bouraoui’s embodied memory of the colonial fracture.”Women Writing Across Cultures. Present, Past, Future. Ed. Pelagia Goulimari. London: Routledge (2018): 123-135. [Reprint]
- “Paglid’Ananda Devi. La recherche d’un sol hybride insulaire.”Fert-îles 2. L’occupation littéraire des sols insulaires. Ed. Jacques Isolery (CNRS Laboratoire LISA – UMR 6240). Bastia: Stamperia Sammarcelli-Università di Corsica (2014): 125-138.
Book Reviews
- Calargé, Carla.Liban.Mémoires fragmentées d’une guerre obsédante. L’anamnèse dans la production culturelle francophone (2000-2015). Leiden ; Boston : Brill-Rodopi, 2017. InNouvelles Études Francophones, Volume 34, Numéro 2, 2019, pp. 196-200
- Connolly, Aoife.Performing the ‘Pied-Noir’ Family: Constructing Narratives of Settler Memory and Identity in Literature and On-Screen. Lanham, MD: Lexington, “After the Empire: The Francophone World and Postcolonial France,” 2020. InFrench Studies, Vol. LXXVI, No. I, 1, 2021.
Conference Proceedings
- “Une mise en récit multidirectionnelle: La filiation harkie dans Moze de Zahia Rahmani.”Déracinés, exilés, rapatriés? S’organiser, transmettre, mettre en récit. Ed. Olivier Dard and Anne Dulphy. London: Peter Lang (2022).
Creative Writing
- “Mamie-louche.”K. Les Juifs, l’Europe, le XXIe siècle(K. Jews, Europe, the XXIst century). May 2021.[English translation:]
- “Jonas.”K. Les Juifs, l’Europe, le XXIe siècle(K. Jews, Europe, the XXIst century). January 2022.[English translation:]
- “Lignes de failles.”K. Les Juifs, l’Europe, le XXIe siècle(K. Jews, Europe, the XXIst century). December 2022.[English translation:
Conseil International d’Etudes Francophones, African Literature Association, Woman in French, Etudes Françaises et Francophones des 20ième et 21ième siècles, Society for the Study of French History, Modern Languages Association.
Research Areas
- 20th- and 21st-century French and Francophone Literatures and Cultures
- Migrations
- Jewish and Arab Diasporas and Minorities
- Trauma and Memory
- Psychoanalysis
- Creative Writing
- Postcolonial Studies
- Cultural Studies
Awards, Fellowships and Grants
- Visiting Scholar in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at Harvard University. 2018-2020.
- Center for the Humanities at Tufts Faculty Fellowship. 2017-2018.
- Nominations for “Best course” and “Significant Impact.” Senior Survey 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022. Office of Institutional Research, Tufts.
- Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Harvard. 2014-2015.
- Merit/Term Time Research Fellowship, Harvard. 2014.
- Romance Languages and Literatures Traveling Fellowship at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, rue d’Ulm (Paris, France). Harvard. 2012, 2013, 2014.
- Department of Romance Languages and Literatures Teaching Prize. Harvard University. 2012.
- Departmental Summer Grant, Harvard. 2012. 2013
- Derek Bok Certificate of Distinction in Teaching. 2011, 2012, 2013.
- Harvard Graduate Society Summer Predissertation Fellowship, Summer 2010.
- Middlebury College Scholarship, 2007-2008.