
Maria Medved

Professor, Department Chair - Psychology, Health and Gender

  • Department: Psychology, Health and Gender

Professor Medved's approach to teaching and mentoring has developed through her years of experience as a teacher in Toronto, New York, and Winnipeg teaching graduate and undergraduate courses. She has always strived to create opportunities that allow students to explore their individual interests while acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to expand their interests and curiosities.

Medved's teaching is closely interconnected with her research – not least because she has always enjoyed being involved in an ongoing process of reflection and discussion with students. Moreover, she has ample experience successfully working with students in research projects and has conscientiously mentored her students so that they were able and prepared to successfully continue onto the next stage of their careers. 


  • PhD in human development and applied psychology, University of Toronto
  • MA in applied psychology, University of Toronto
  • BSc in psychology and history, University of Toronto


Forthcoming and 2013
  • Reynolds, K., Mackenzie, C., Medved, M.I., & Roger, K. (accepted). "The experiences of older male adults throughout their involvement in a community program for men". Aging and Society.
  • March, J., Sareen, J., Murray, E., Stein, M., Chateau, D., Asmundson, G., Medved, M.I. & Logsetty, S. (in press). "Increased suicidal activity following major trauma: A population based study". The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery.
  • Medved, M.I., Brockmeier, J., Morach, J., & Chartier, L. (2013). "Broken heart stories. Understanding Aboriginal women’s heart problems". Qualitative Health Research, 23(12), 1613-1625. Doi:10.1177/1049732313509407
  • Medved, M.I. (in press). "Everyday dramas: Comparing life with dementia and acquired brain injury". In H. Linde, L.-C. Hyden & J. Brockmeier (Eds.), Beyond loss: Dementia, identity, and personhood. NY: Oxford.
  • Mota, N., Medved, M., Whitney, D., Hiebert-Murphy, D., & Sareen, J. (2013, in press). "Protective Factors for Mental Disorders and Psychological Distress in Female Service Members, Compared With Males, in a Representative Sample". Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 58(10).
  • Hunter, T., Medved, M.I., Hiebert-Murphy, D., Sareen, J., Brockmeier, J., Thakrar, S., & Logsetty, S. (2013, in press). “Putting on your face to face the world”: Women’s narratives of burn injury. Burns. doi:10.1016/j.burns.2013.04.024
  • Medved, M.I., & Brockmeier, J. (in press) "Memory disorders". In T. Teo (ed.) Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology. NY: Springer.
  • Sareen, J., Erickson, J., Medved, M.I., Asmundson., G., Enns, M., Stein, M., William, L., Doupe, M., & Logsetty, S. (2013, in press). "Risk factors for post-injury mental health problems". Depression and Anxiety. DOI: 10.1002/da.22077

Conferences & Lectures

  • Isaak, C. A., Sareen, J., Katz, L.Y., Kredentser, M. S., Munro, G., Bolton, S-L., Medved, M. I., & Dan Chateau, D. (2013, October). "Working Together Towards Change: A University-First Nations Partnership In Suicide Prevention Research". Canadian Association of Suicide Prevention Conference, Winnipeg, MB.
  • Isaak, C. A., Reynolds, K., DeBoer, T., Medved, M. I., Distasio, J., Katz, L.Y., & Sareen, J. (2013, Sept). "Disrupted Balance: Narratives of Urban Aboriginal Homeless People". Canadian Psychiatric Association Conference, Ottawa, ON.
  • Isaak, C. A., Medved, M. I., Katz, L. Y., & Sareen, J. (2013, June). "Barriers Formal Help-Seeking among Manitoba First Nations Community Members". International Academy of Suicide Research Conference. Montreal, QC.
  • Knockaert, C., Hunter, T., Medved, M. I., Thakrar, S., Sareen, J., Brockmeier, J., & Logsetty, S. (2013, June). "Sex differences in perceptions of social support: A Study of burn survivors' narratives". Canadian Psychological Association, Quebec City, QC.
  • McCallum, R.W., Medved, M. I., Hiebert-Murphy, D., & Roger, K. (June, 2013)." Counter-Narratives of Adoptive Fatherhood: Men’s Strategies for Countering Biological Discourse". Poster presented at the Canadian Psychological Association Convention. Quebec, QC.
  • Medved, M.I., Brockmeier, J., Morach, J., & Chartier, L. (2013, June) "Exploring heart conditions and healing expectations in aboriginal women". Canadian Psychological Association, Quebec City, QC.
  • McNulty, E., Montgomery, J. & Medved, M.I. (2013, May). "The ‘Good Life’ and how to attain it: Lessons from the experiences of people with high functioning autism spectrum conditions". International Society for Autism Research, Donostia/San Sebastian, Spain.
  • DeBoer, T., Medved, M. I., Sareen, J., & Distasio, J. (2013, May). "Recovering health and home: Narratives by professionals on their collaborations with homeless adults who use volatile solvents". 9th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, IL.
  • McCallum, R.W., Medved, M. I., Hiebert-Murphy, D., Roger, K. (April, 2013). "The Same and Not the Same: Men’s Narratives of Adoptive Fatherhood after Primary Infertility". Poster presented at the New Worlds of Adoption Research Conference, Amherst, MA.


  • University of Manitoba, Canada, Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry
  • College of Psychologists, Manitoba and Ontario, Canada
  • American Psychological Association
  • Canadian Psychological Association

Research Areas

Professor Medved has three main research foci. One primary focus is related to psychological functioning after trauma. In this area, she examines risk and resilience factors post injury or disease. Related to this, she is exploring recovery in individuals who have suffered burns or other types of physical trauma. Linked to risk and resilience, she also investigates these factors in veterans, especially females.

A second focus is concerned with individuals living with neurological challenges. A lack or lost sense of self-identity has been identified as a major problem after neurotrauma and in neurodegenerative diseases. In her research, Medved explores narrative best practices in this domain. Intersecting lines of investigation in this area include medical decision-making, and more recently, family adjustment to neurological changes.

In a third line of research Medvev investigates the nexus between culture and health. Recent research projects include exploring the correlates of suicidality in Aboriginal peoples, perceptions of the cardiovascular disease (aka white man’s disease) in Aboriginal women, and the role of solvent user in homelessness.