Sian Dafydd
- Department: Comparative Literature and English
- Personal Website:

Professor Dafydd joined ҵ in 2013 and is working on a Creative-Critical PhD on the translation and merging creative practices of writing and yoga.
She examines the use and performance in languages and the borders between them. She collaborates extensively with writers of other languages (often minority UK based and international languages, and many Indian languages) as well as artists of other disciplines (art, dance, yoga). Her first degree was in Art History at St Andrews and she maintains strong connections with Scottish artists and the StAnza festival in St Andrews.
At ҵ, she teaches Creative Writing and has a particular interest in introducing students to writing that crosses borders, in genre and geography, introducing writers in translation and from a variety of English speaking countries to study invention and energy in language.
Professor Dafydd also has roles as Creative Fellow of Aberystwyth University, Wales, which involves international collaborations with Indian writers, translating the work of Rabindranath Tagore; and Lecturer in Creative Writing (transnational writing, low residential Masters program) at Bath Spa University, England. She collaborates regularly with the Literature Across Frontiers and Wales Literature Exchange.
Dafydd writes in Welsh and in English and is editor of the Welsh language literary review, Taliesin and an online review nurturing young voices, In 2009 she won the celebrated Literary Medal at the National Eisteddfod for her novel, Y Trydydd Peth.
- MA in Creative Writing, University of East Anglia, England
- MA in Art History, The University of St Andrews, Scotland
- dz(Cardiff: g39, 2014)
- Ancestral Houses: the Lost Mansions of Wales / Tai Mawr a Mieri: Plasdai Coll Cymru (Gomer, 2012) with photographer Paul White and poet Damian Walford Davies
- Y Trydydd Peth (Gomer, 2009). Winner of the 2009 Literary Medal at the National Eisteddfod of Wales
- ‘Lluniau yn dweud storiau’ in Hon: Ynys y Galon (Gomer 2007): Lead essay discussing the work of contemporary artist, Iwan Bala.
- Infinite Longing catalogue. Exhibition organized by Hotel Antelope, exhibited at ABC Gallery, Moscow, 19 May – 17 June 2006
Fiction in antholoigies or literary journals
- ‘Hospital Field’ in Best British Short Stories 2014 (Salt, 2014), also selected by Liar's League
- ‘Diving for Starters’ in 鲹(Parthian Books, 1014)
- ‘Paper People’ Wales Arts Review2113
- ‘Fdz’ The White Review2113
- ‘Hospital Field’ in Beacons: Stories for our not so Distant Future (Oneworld, 2013)
- Serbian extract of The Third Thing in Treći Trg (sveska 20-30/2010)
- ‘The Moss Between Us’ in Serbian in Peta strana sveta: Priča (Kidinda, 2012)
- ‘Je ne parle pas français’ in Ffiniau Aflonydd (anthology of Welsh writing in Slovenian) ed. Veno Taufer (Društvo slovenskih pisateljev, Ljubljana 2010), in raaNiyutan oru teniir viruntu (Storïau o Gymru, in Tamil, Kalachuvadu Publications 2011)
- ‘Yellow Ribbons on a Pear Tree’ in Coming up Roses (Honno 2008. Ed: Caroline Oakley)
- ‘Hand of a Giant’ in In Her Element (Honno 2008. Ed: Jane MacNamee)
- ‘The Moss Between Us’ in Tesselate: UEA Creative Writing Anthology (Pen and Ink 2006)
- ‘Sex in another city’ in Laughing not Laughing (Honno 2004. Ed: Catherine Merriman. Winner of the Erotica Awards 2004) selected from Honno’s archive and reprinted in All Shall be Well (Honno 2011) to celebrate the publishing house’s 50th birthday.
- ‘Puteinio Esgyrn a Chladdu’r Dyn’ in Storïau’r Troad (Gomer 2000. Ed: Manon Rhys)
- ‘Big Cats’ in Best British Poetry 2014 (Salt, 2014)
- Regular contributions to Poetry Wales, Planet, New Welsh Review and international poetry workshops, most recently at Jadavpur University, Kolkata with Literature Across Frontiers and Abyerystwyth University
- Tŷپ (Revenge House) by Bernard Ashley (Riley Publicatons, 2010)
- Y Milwr Bychan (The Little Soldier) by Bernard Ashley (Riley Publications, 2010)
- Artemis Gwarth ac Antur yr Arctig (Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident) by Eoin Colfer ( Gomer, 2008)
- Artemis Gwarth a’r Côd Tragwyddoldeb (Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code) by Eoin Colfer ( Gomer, 2009)