Waddick Doyle
Professor, Program Director, MSc in Strategic Brand Management
- Department: Communication, Media and Culture
- Graduate Program(s): Global Communications

Waddick Doyle was born in Australia and studied Communications at Griffith University, then the newest and perhaps most innovative university in the world and after working for the Aboriginal health program and setting up a multi-lingual radio station went to study semiotics and communications at the world's oldest and perhaps less innovative University, Università di Bologna. He loved them both. He returned to Australia and completed a doctorate at Griffith University and then after teaching in Australia came to Paris for post-doctoral studies at the EHESS. He taught at universities in Italy, France and Australia. In 1996 he started to work at ҵ where he created both the undergraduate and graduate degrees in Global Communications.
- Laurea, Università di Bologna
- BA, PhD, Griffith University, Brisbane
Doyle is a regular commentator on France 24 and RFI And ABC Australia on issues relating to social media and communications (more than 30 appearances)
He has appeared onInsight on CNN,MotsǾéon France 2, ԻForum Publicon Canal du Sénat, LCI, Canal Plus, Al Jazeera, RFI and France Culture has been quoted or interviewed inNewsweek,Time,The New York Times,BBC extraԻThe Observer.
He has also been interviewed in the Moroccan (leѲپ), Brazilian (Il Globo), Argentian (la Nacion) Mexican, Indian and Danish (Politiken) press:
And on the ABC (Australian Broadcasting corporation- Radio National) e.g.
Or interviews on France Culture
On Turkish television
He also is featured in the Cultural studies podcast
- Communication in the Era of Attention Scarcity,Palgrave Macmilan, 2019, with Claudia Roda.
Book Chapters
- "French Television" and "Canal Plus" in ‘Contemporary World’ Television, Edited by Sinclair, John, University of California Press (and BFI) 2004
- "Della naturalizazione alla sacralizzazione. storia dell approcci inglesi all’analisi della publicità" in Semprini, Andrea Lo Sguardo Semiotico Franco Angeli Milano 2003
- "Towards a Poetics of Observation" in Lectures d’une oeuvre : The Remains of the Dayde Kazuo Ishiguro edited by François Gallix published by Editions du temps, Paris 1999
- "Being an Other to Oneself: First Person Narration in Kasuo Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day in L'Altérité dans la littérature et la culture anglophone edited by Labbé, Evelyne; Presses de l'Université du Maine, Le Mans 1993
Referred journal articles
- Southern Review: special edition on "Media and Belief" edited by Waddick Doyle and Mary Griffiths (Forthcoming: Spring 2006)
- "The Money! Or The Box! Consumerism, Television and Americanisation in 1960’s Australia". In Cultures of the Commonwealth No.6 pp.21-35 Spring 2000
- "The Space between Identity and Otherness" in Commonwealth No 4. pp.110-119 Spring 1997
- Shabdabrahma: Infinity and Perfection in a Word in VS Versus, Journal of Semiotics special edition: The Quest for Perfect Languages edited by Roberto Pellerey and Umberto Eco. 1992
- "Grim Reapings: an analysis of AIDS television advertising", in Eyeline, No.2., July 1988
- "Why Dallas was able to conquer Italy", in Media Information Australia, No.41, February 1987
- Translating Genres: Translating Leaders: Trump and Berlusconi, pages 488-497
- Contemporary French and Francophone Studies,Volume 21, 2017 - Issue 5
- Memories of Umberto Eco and Bologna,Lingua Romana,Vol. 12 Issue 1, published Jan 2017 in English, Italian and Romanian
- No Strings Attached?Les Guignols de l’Infoand French Television inPopular Communication,Vol10 no.I 2012
WithMary Griffiths
“Caricature and an Ethics of Discomfort”,Southern Review: Communications, Politics and Culture,Volume 39 Issue 1, 2006
The Money! Or The Box!Consumerism, Television and Americanisation in 1960’s Australia,Cultures of the Commonwealth No.6,pp.21-35, Spring 2000
“The Space between Identity and Otherness”Commonwealth No 4, Pp.110-119, Spring 1997
Shabdabrahma: Infinity and Perfection in a Word inVS Versus, Journal of Semioticsspecial edition: The Quest for Perfect Languages edited by Roberto Pellerey and Umberto Eco,1992
Grim Reapings: an analysis of AIDS television advertising,Eyeline,No.2,July 1988
Conferences & Lectures
Conferences organised at ҵ
Summer 2023: Peer-to-Peer Learning Center for Excellence: Human Rights, Religion and Global Dialogue,organsied with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Fall 2019:Moderated Civic Media conference at ҵ, Listening and Transformation: Acoustics and Civic Life. Co-organised with Jessica Feldman
Spring 2018:Planned and organised panel on "Platform capitalism,Platform Swindles, Platform Struggles, Arnaques et luttes sur les plateformes web” Research Seminar– Jacob Matthews Cemti-Critic Paris 8 Waddick Doyle (Civic Media Lab, ҵ, Athina Karatzogianni(University of Leicester)
Spring 2017:Civic Media in Times of Incivility: Habits, Ethics and the Attention Economy,Research seminar series 8 speakers from different universities.
February 2012:Music, Power and Liberty: Music and the Arab Revolutions
The Toda Institute, Tokyo, The Department of Global Communications of the American University of Paris and the Egyptian Cultural Centre, Paris
Principal organizer and convener from 12 countries
February 2011: "Hacktivists in the Bully states: Understanding the role of media in Tunisia and Egypt,Organized with Social Media WeekLive webcast to 50 countries, principal organizer
Nov 2010: “The Blogger in The Basement:How Social Media is Transformingthe PR Person-JournalistRelationship"Organised with the International Association of Business Communicators
June 2009:"Media and Belief: Religion, Authority, Vision"with the Department of Media, Culture and Communication, NYU, principal organizer
March 2009: Media, Communications and the Post Colonialwith Université Paris Dauphine,–oԾ
June 2008: "Media Ethics and the Global"with MCC, New York University and Goldsmiths, University of London.Media Ethics and the Globalco-organizer
December 2006: With P2P Foundation, "Peer to peer: Solution or Fantasy?" co –organizer with Athena Karatzogianni
Feb 2007: "Reality Television and the Neo-Liberal Economy,"Organized withMCC, New York University and Goldsmiths’ College University of London,principal organizer
May 2006:"Branding and Contemporary Political Image- Making," 12participants includingJohn Corner,Andrea Semprini, and David Marshall, co-organizer with Jayson Harsin
March 2006:"Symposium on Cultural Diversity and Global Cultural Governance" with the Department of Media, Culture and Communication, NYU principal organizer
March 2005:"Media and Belief in an Interdependent World," American University of Paris, International bilingual conference with 45 papers from 15 countries.
January 2003:"Globalisation and Violence,"The New Imaginaries Working Group of the Center for Transcultural Studies, Northwestern University sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation.
Charles Taylor, Ben Lee, Dilip Gaonkar, Richard Beardsworth and Waddick Doyle
May2002: with the College International de Philosophie: Parole dogmatque e mondialisation, principal organizer
March 2002: with the College International de Philosophie:Rhetorique, mondialisation et democratie,Held at ҵ Funded by Andrew Mellon Foundation, principal organizer, Round Table: Rhetoric and National Identity
Invited Lectures and Refereed Conference Papers
Feb 2022:Al AkhawaynUniversityIfrane Morocco, Sufism Technique of the self in the contemporary world
November, 2021: Warsaw: Brand communication and the Attention Economy digital Europe Economic Seminars
October 2021: Sarajevo: “The attention economy in the post-Covid world”s Mediterranean Forum 2021 Conference on Mediterranean Perspectives in The Next Decade
October 202: Venice: participant discussant Symposium. Religious dimensions of nationalism: Interdisciplinary perspectives Fondazione Cini
May 2020: Gold Coast Australia: Chair of session. “Post-Truth, Alternative Epistemologies and Trials of Deliberation.” International Communication Association annual meeting, Gold Coast
Dec2020: The International Islamic Conference 2nd December Sydney Islamic High Council
December 2020: Brisbane: CSAA Cultural Studies Association;Reciprocal Translations: Islam and France
December 2019: Brisbane: CSAA Cultural Studies Association; ReciprocalTranslations: Islam and France
December 2019: Sydney: International conference Islam and the West:Responses to Islamophobia in France
October 2019:Oujda MoroccoFrom material to immaterial commons:, reconsidering the nature of energy in a communications commons
October2019:Third Mediterranean Forum Dubrovnik-Sarajevo Constellation, Keynote:New digital space is creating a new sense of space in the Mediterranean
Feb 2019: Canberra:Australian National University:Centre For Arab and Islamic Studies “Power and Techniques of the Self in Moroccan Sufism
July 2018: Brisbane: International Politics Association World Congress, Elections and Political Communication,How the attention economy came to dominate the election process? Berlusconi and Trump and the technique of Disruption and Shifting in election campaigns
May 2018: Prague, International Communications Association, Chair panel,Mediatisation and its Objects
April 2018: Paris : EHESS Séminaire 2017-2018 : Analyses critiques des configurations populistes,Habits of Desire, Habits of Language, Habits of Narrative. Imagining Communities and Constructing Audiences in Italy from Fascism to Berlusconi
March 2017: Paris: European Political Science Association,Macron/ Populism of the CentreKeynote Panel at conference on populism at French Senate organized by the European Political Science Association.
November2017: la 12ème Rencontre Mondiale du Soufisme. Soufisme et Diplomatie Spirituelle: le cas de l’Emir Abdel Kader
December 2016: Sydney: Crossroads International Communications Association,The Rise of Populist Political Brands and the Narrative of Exclusion: Berlusconi, Trump and Sarkozy
December 2016: La fondation Al Moultaqa, Medagh, Morocco Conference “Diplomatie SpirituelleDimensions culturelles, développementales et civilisationnelles"/Techniques of the self and cultural diplomacy in the anti-colonial struggle: The case of the Emir Abdel Kader.
April 2015: Tunis: International Conference “Spaces and Places toward a Geocritical Study of Language, Literature, Culture and Politics” organised in Memoriam of Stuart Hall, a paper on: “Brands as Imagined Communities in Transnational Spaces.”
December 2015: la Rencontre Mondiale du Soufisme suivant : « Le Soufisme et la Quête de Sens: Le rôle des zawiyas dans la communication des valeurs de modération, de juste milieu et de beauté
May 2013: Brisbane:Centre for Critical and Cultural Studies, University of Queensland,“Berlusconi and Disruption: Theorising the Brand Shift in Politics"Public lecture: Respondent: Graeme Turner
May 2013: Brisbane:School of Languages and Comparative Cultural Studies University of QueenslandSLCCS Literatures & Cultures Lecture Series“Que Allah bénisse la France" ("May Allah Bless France"): French Muslim Rap and Republican Rhetoric”
January 2013: la Rencontre Mondiale du Soufisme : Soufisme et paix spirotuelle
July 2012:Paris: Paris Crossroads International Association for Cultural Studies, International Conference
June 2012: Konrad Adenauer Stitfung Stitfung And Fondation Temini, Tunis, La réforme universitaire La réforme universitaire au Maghreb au Maghreb au Maghreb Paper "The liberal arts tradition of American education, globalization and constructing the post-colonial university
April 2012: Waddick DOYLE (American University of Paris), Habits of Desire, Habits of Language, and Habits of Narrative. Imagining Communities and Constructing Audiences in Italy from Fascism to Berlusconi
June 2011: Université internationale de printemps de Dijon “RIO 20 ans après Autour des incertitudes d'une gouvernance mondiale," on panel with Michelle Bachelet and Edgar Morin entitled Les incertitudes politiques Paper: The challenges and opportunities of communications technologies.
May 2011: OECD: Parispaper Social Media and Tunisian revolution, New Frontiers for the MENA Region, 23 May 2011, Paris, France
February 2011: Paris: Centre Pompidou/ Critical Secret, Response to Mackenzie Wark:Hacker Manifesto
August 2010: Hong Kong: European Studies Centre, University of Hong Kong
“Resentment, Revolt and Resistance. Passions in the anti-colonial struggle in India and Algeria” Conference: Harmony and Order vs. Spontaneity and Revolt in Eastern and Western Philosophies
February 2010: Tunis: Institut de recherché sur le Maghreb, Tunis participated in a roundtable at conference on” Virtual and Internet Communication in the Mediterranean: Complex Identities and the Transformations of Social Bonds,”
February 2010: Oujda: Cemeia, Morocco Centre euro-Mediterranean del ‘Islam aujourd’hui, “How to live together and secularism: Sufi rappers responses to Media Islam phobia,” at a conference entitled “Sufism and Society: Reality and Perspectives,
January 2010: Boulder: The Center for Media and Religion atthe University of Colorado, Islam and the Media conference held at the Center for Media and Religion atthe University of Colorado "May Allah Bless France: Muslims redefiningSecularism on French Media as how to live together
March 2009:Paris : French Senate: Université sans frontière, L'Union pour la Méditerranée : un partenariat équitable pour le partage des savoirs. Paris, Palper: Flux médiatique a travers la méditerranée
March 2009: Paris: joint conférence with Université Paris Dauphine and ҵ «Media Communications and the Post Colonial» with Jayson HarsinComing Unstuck Media Images of the Banlieue RiotsJayson Harsin/Waddick Doyle The American University of Paris
October 2009: Bangkok: The Unesco Global Forum on the Power of Peace, Bangkok in. keynote Speech in the section on University leadership and the application of media and ICTs for Peace education "Digitization and Global Liberal Arts Education.
October 2009: Hong Kong: The School ofCultures and Languages of The University of Hong Kong.Love, and the Semiotics of Unicity in Ibn Arabi and Patanjali." Love inthe Religions of the World, The School ofCultures and Languages of The University of Hong Kong.
November 2008: Paris: Aspen Cultural diplomacy Forum: Culture in Conflict / Culture on the Move Paris, Chaired Rights and Security / Migratory Flows and Societal Change forum
December 2008: Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh: The Media in Italy: Historical Perspectives and Future Challenge The Annual Conference of the Association of the Study of Modern Italy (ASMI)chaired panel on the impact of Italian television on contemporary Italian politics
July 2008: Stockholm: International Association for Media and Communications Research (IAMCR) ‘Media and Global Divides’ Conference, Stockholm Paper:Dragging Audiences from Television into Electoral Politics: The Cases of Italy and the USA..
June 2008: London: Media Ethics and the Global Symposium,ҵ, New York University and Goldsmiths, University of London, Paper:Covering the Other: Media Production, Ethical and Economic Value
June 2008: EHESS ParisConference :Religions, Identity, LaicitéEHESS, Respondent to Mohammed Arkoun and Esther Benbassa
May 2008:Paris : Fondation Singer-Polignac, Paris Conference,De Benjamin Franklin à nos jours: la presse a-t-elle perdu sa puissancesponsored by the Fondation Singer-Polignac and by the Franklin Committee, in commemoration of the tercentenary of Benjamin Franklin’s birth. Paper:‘The Peculiar Unhappiness of that Business’; puissance perdue, puissance retrouvée’.
February 2008: EHESS, Paris : Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Respondent at theUtopias, Dystopias and DevelopmentConference
June 2007: Paris: The International Media and Communications Research conference, June 2007, UNESCO Paris. with Jayson Harsin A Theory of Politics and Branding,”
July 2007: Plenary address at the 5th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities,‘Unveiling Public Discourse and Islam in France’.
July 2007: International Association of Media and Cultural Research (IAMCR) Annual Convention, Paris France,‘Towards a Theory of Branding and Politics’.Presented with Jayson Harsin.
July 2006: Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, Branding and ‘Presidenting’ Media and Belief in Berlusconi and Bush”. Paper. (with Jayson Harsin)
June 2006:An International Roundtable: The Role of the University in Strengthening Democracy and the Culture of Interdependence NYUinPrague
May 2006: Paper Presented at the American University of Paris Symposium on Politics and Branding, Paris, France, May 28, 2006.
December 2006:NYU in Florence Guest Lecture ‘Branding, Berlusconi and the Italian Political Imaginary’.
November 2006:NYU Department of Culture and Communication Conference.‘Coming Unglued in the French Suburbs: The Logic of the French Riots Coverage’.
November 2006:National Communications Association Conference, San Antonio, TX,‘Branding Political Subjects’. Paper presented with Jayson Hardin
October 2006:Paper: ‘Belief Between Religion and Media A Key Factor in Globalized Cultural Conflict’.CERI-Sciences Po
September 2006: Warsaw Poland, Paper:‘Media Concentration and Authors’ Rights’Conference organized on globalization and author’s rights by The International Council of Creators of Music, Warsaw, Poland
January 2006: Guadalajara, Mexico, Conference: Family, Realities and Challenges Facing Families.Paper:‘Reality Television: Different Models for Living Together’
October 2005: Concordia University, Montreal, Conference: “Figures of Democracy, Paper:Representing the Italian nation; figures of consumersand citizens in Berlusconi’s Italy.
June 2005: Hong Kong:Centre for Transnational Cultural Studies, North-western University and the Department of Mass Communications of the University of Hong Kong Media, Everyday Life and the Cultures of ConsumptionPaper:Converting Television Audiences into Political Publics: Consuming Goods and Parties in Berlusconi’s Italy
June 2005: Phonm Penh :Cambodian Communications Institute, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Paper:Television Advertising and Socio-cultural Development
March 2005: ҵConferenceMedia and Belief in an Interdependent World, 45 speakers from 15 countries, Principal organizer,Brands from Naturalisation to Supernaturalisation
November 2004: Center for Global Culture and Communication, Northwestern University, Chicago, Invited seminarSilvio Berlusconi, Transfiguration and Disruption in the Italian Public Sphere
October 2004: Carbondale Center for Global Media Research, Southern Illinois University.Paper: Did Media Globalisation End with the Invasion of Iraq?
October 2004: Danish Public Service Broadcasting Board, Copenhagen. Invited expert speechThe Consequences of Italy’s Media Deregulation
September 2004: Government of the City of Rome Interdependence Day, RomePaper: Envisioning A World of Interdependence in Higher Education CurriculumConference with Stephane Hessel, Romano Prodi, organised by Benjamin Barber
June 2004: Rencontres de Fès Giving a soul to globalization Colloquium, Fez Morocco riving a Soul to Globalization”. Other participants included Dominique de Villepin, James Wolfenson, Edgar Morin, and Benjamin Barber workshop on “Media Images and Cultural Stereotypes”.
May 2004: International Communications Conference, New Orleans,Title: Corporate Brands and Global Taste Making
January 2004: World Social Forum, Mumbai India, Invited speaker closing address:Other worlds are breathing, the film festival of the World Social Forum Culture and Identity and Hope
June 2003: Rencontresde Versailles, France,Les Grandes régions du monde et la mondialisation, Higher education and interdependence
May 2003:ICA (International Communications Association) Conference, San Diego, CA, Paper 1From Naturalisation to Sacralisation: Changing Paradigms in Advertising Criticism, Paper 2Berlusconi, Narrative Seduction and Political Power.
December 2002: Université Paris 9: After Post-Colonialism Conference,With Deirdre Gilfedder News of Empire and Empire of News: Applying Negri to Murdoch
December 2001: University of Westminster:Diplomatic Academy of London, University of Westminster,Round Table Panellist: Media and Terrorism
May 2000: International Communications Conference, Acapulco Chaired panel:From International to Cosmopolitan Communications,Paper:Cosmopolitan Trajectories of the communicatiosn discipline
November 2000: International Communications Association Conference, Acapulco, Panel: Critical Approaches to Hybrid Cultural Identities, Paper: ‘The Space Between Cultures: Utopia or No Place’
May 1999: S.A.E.S. (French Society of Scholars of English) Congress, Chambery, France paperGame Shows, Americanization and Australian Television.
November 1998: New York University, Draper Center, Conference on Romance Narrative and Performance, Paper: Seducing the Republic. Silvio Berlusconi, American serials and Italian politics
July 1998: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)Conference Rome,Italy, Paper:The Lessons of Italy’s Media Deregulation
July 1998:The Challenge of the New Technologies and Intercultural Communication,Conference organised by the city of Birmingham, England and the European Union.
June 1998: Université de Cergy Pontoise, France, Pluralisme culturel et hégémonie culturelle conférence. Université de Cergy Pontoise, France,Paper: Multilingual Broadcasting in Australia Hegemony or Counter-Hegemony?
1996: 'Université de Cergy Pontoise, France,Du discours nationaliste au discours ethnique L’Australie dans les années 1970. Conférence: "Mutations de la perception de l'identité culturelle et nationale de Commonwealth".
1994: Université Paris 9,Multiculturalisme et Qureshi
1993: S.A.E.S. (Société des Anglicistes dans l’enseignement supérieure) Congress at Valenciennes, France,The Disappointed BridgeTrajectories of narration in Kasuo Ishiguro'sThe Remains of the Day
1991: Université de Tours, France, conference on Les voix d'ethnicité dans les pays anglophones, Paper: Ethnic Identity an Ethnocentric Concept? Ethnicity and Subculture inThe Buddha of Suburbiaby Hanif Kureishi
1991: University of Norwich European Society for the Study of English conference, Paper:“Reconsidering Americanisation: Simultaneity and Seduction"
1990:University of Urbino, Italy, Paper:Passion and Patience: a problem of value, The International Summer Semiotics School, The Passions of Value inUrbino, Italy.
1986: University of Sydney, Paper:Constructing Italian Audiences, The Frederic May Foundation Congress on Contemporary Italy, Sydney, Australia.
1984: University of Melbourne, Semiotics and mass media, AULLA(Australian Universities Languages and Literature Association), Melbourne
Research Areas
* Semiotics
* Attention
* Television and new media
* Narrative analysis
* Branding
* Political economy of media
* News flows, geopolitics of information
* Visual theory of advertising and social media
* Representations of Islam in the West
* Comparative self-training, Psychoanalysis, Sufism, Yoga
* Expertise in Italy, Morocco, France, Australia, & India